Reference SPRING plots

Xenopus tropicalis, genome annotation v10.0, with human orthologs obtained by mapping the reference proteins to human UNIPROT reference (fasta) (defs), human ortholog gene names

If you use this data/browser in your research, please acknowledge:

- "data generated by XenCAT OD031956" or better "data generated by XenCAT resource funded by NIH OD031956"

- Petrova K, Tretiakov M, Kotov A, Monsoro-Burq AH, Peshkin L. A new atlas to study embryonic cell types in Xenopus. Dev Biol. 2024 Apr 11:S0012-1606(24)00098-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ydbio.2024.04.003. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38614285.

Department of Systems Biology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA
*Correspondence to:

*Gene names format: Xenbase gene ID (v10.0) | gene name (v10.0) | human ortholog gene name

*Gene names format: Xenbase gene ID (v10.7) | gene name (v10.7) | human ortholog gene name

Stage 8

Stage 10

Stage 11

Stage 12

Stage 13

Stage 14

Stage 16

Stage 18

Stage 20

Stage 22

AnnData file links:

(aligned to Xenbase 10.0):
S8 S10 S11 S12 S13 S14 S16

(aligned to JGI 10.7):
S18 S20 S22

Joint plots:

Stage 8-12

Stage 12-18

Stage 18-22

Germ line

Xenopus laevis, genome annotation v9.1

Data and processing made by Cell landscape of larval and adult Xenopus laevis at single-cell resolution, Yuan Liao et al.

*Gene names format: v9.1 gene name | human ortholog gene name | v9.1 gene id

Stage 48

Stage 54

Stage 59

Stage 66

Previously published (2018) version of the atlas
All the XenCAT resources

Review of the Xenopus Jamboree
Lecture on single-cell transcriptomics in the Xenopus Embryo (James Briggs)
Overview of the single-cell field in light of embryology projects (Allon Klein)
Tutorial on using SPRING layout tool in the context of Xenopus embryology (Caleb Weinreb)